2024-2025 Competition Schedule

Fall 2024

  • Social Justice Debates Season Opener. 9/14-15. Host & Location TBD

  • Social Justice Virtual Debates. 10/6. Host & Platform TBD

  • Vanderbilt Global Free Speech.10/18-19. Host: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

  • Social Justice Debates Fall Championship. 11/16-17. Host: Loyola University, Chicago, IL

Winter 2025

  • Oceans Debates Online. 1/26. Host: TBD. Platform: Zoom

  • Social Justice Debates National Championship Morehouse. 2/7-9, Host: Morehouse College. Atlanta, GA

  • West Coast Trans-Atlantic Dialogues. 3/1-2. Host: MSU Denver. Denver, CO

  • UVM Janus Forum. 2/21-22. Host: University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

Spring 2025

  • Oceans Debate. 4/11-13. Host: University of Miami, Miami, FL

  • East Coast Trans-Atlantic Dialogues. 4/19. Host & Location TBD

  • Sierra Sustainability Summit. 4/24-27. Hosts: Shane Patrick, The Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Debate Team, and Yosemite National Park. Yosemite, CA

  • Legados - Spanish language. 4/25-26. Host: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Location: San Luis Obispo, or a location on the Colorado River, TBD.

Summer 2025

  • Trans-Atlantic Dialogues Final. 6/18-23. Host: Ecole de Guerre. Paris, France